Trip Reports

July 2020 Tyler Karow July 2020 Tyler Karow

Washington Granite

I’m finally back in California after a two week escapade in the Pacific North West where I climbed for 10 days straight. The climbing in Washington was super inspiring and I managed to send some of the proudest lines I’ve ever tried as a result.

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July 2020 Tyler Karow July 2020 Tyler Karow

Elephants Perch

On Monday I drove out to Stanley, Idaho and met back up with Cedar to head out to the Elephant’s Perch. It’s a 1200 foot granite cliff in the Sawtooth Range with supposedly good climbing and beautiful scenery.

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July 2020 Tyler Karow July 2020 Tyler Karow

The Grand Traverse

After a week of sport climbing around Wyoming, I drove out to Grand Teton National Park and met up with Chris Farrah for some much needed alpine suffering.

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July 2020 Tyler Karow July 2020 Tyler Karow

Wind River Range

Spent the past 6 days raging up mountains and hanging out with friends in the Cirque of the Towers in the Wind River Range. In 4.5 days of climbing, Cedar and I summited Pingora, Wolfs Head and Warbonnet 3 times each via different routes and managed to bag a full traverse of all 11 summits in the cirque in 13 hours with many leisurely rests along the way.

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